Thursday, December 20, 2007

Roughy's Back!

About three and a half weeks ago, our glorious lemon colored Australian Bearded Dragon, Roughy, got away from us. We grieved over that silly lizard like a dog owner over a lost dog, and assumed he had gotten out of the house and had become a 'scooby snack' for one of our local cats.

But yesterday he emerged from his hiding place and I found him on the living room floor. He must have found a cool place to burmate for a few weeks. Needless to say, there was MUCH rejoicing in our household, and my dear husband is spending plenty of time coddling his 18 inch long lizard.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Claiming the Blog

Technorati Profile

Not so happy Lizards

Here are Feisty and Roughy, our Australian Bearded Dragons. While they look cheerful enough, they are not happy. These brothers hate each other and are very territorial. Roughy is NOT smiling. He wants to bite and kill his brother and is only prevented from doing so by the strong hands of my dear husband.